Unit 2 – Table of contents

Unit 2 – Newspaper Frontpage Project

Read the job offer first.

The possible dates for this project are:

  • 750 – End of the Umayyad dynasty.
  • 756 – Abd ar-Rahman I proclaims the independence of al-Andalus (Independent Emirate).
  • 929 – Abd ar-Rahman III proclaims the Caliphate of Córdoba.
  • 1002 – Death of al-Mansur in Medinaceli.
  • 1031 – Taifa kingdoms.
  • 1085 – Toledo is conquered by the Christians.
  • 1238 – Foundation of the Nasrid Kingdom of Granada by Muhammad ibn Nars.
  • 1258 – The Mongols sack Baghdad.

Download a copy of the frontpage model for completing it:

Newspaper frontpage – Islam (MODEL).



  1. Headline: simple but powerful language.
  2. Straplines: brief summary of the news.
  3. First paragraph: 6 Ws, showing the most important facts.
  4. Second paragraph: background (why has the event happened? How did it start?)
  5. Third paragraph: development of the event.
  6. Fourth paragraph: reactions from the main character, witnesses or other people. Use quotations.
  7. Last paragraph: possible consequences of the event.

Video – Islam, the Quran, and the Five Pillars All Without a Flamewar: Crash Course World History #13

Copy the title of the video, the questions and then answer them.

  1. Why do we know so little about Islamic Civilization?
  2. Why can Islam be considered a radical reforming religion?
  3. What was the Kaaba before Muhammed?
  4. What do the Torah and Bible have in common in contrast to the Koran (Quran)?
  5. What are the 5 pillars of Islam?
  6. What is the Haddith?
  7. What is the “Umma?”
  8. What date was chosen as start of the Islamic calendar? Why?
  9. Why was there a political -but no religious- conflict when Muhammed died?
  10. What did Abu Bakr do?
  11. Why did people embrace Islam?